
An entrypoint that allows the last person who made a bet to claim their tokens (only if auction is finished). The last bid is burned.

Burning means that all QUIPU tokens are transferred to the zero_address.

zero_address is the account address that no one has access to: tz1ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZNkiRg

Call parameters

type claim_t            is nat // auction's ID


const auctionAddress = "KT1...";
const auctionId = 5;
const auction = await;
const operation = await dexCore.methods.claim(auctionId).send();

await operation.confirmation();


  • 304 - auction with the specified ID not found.

  • 309 - auction is already finished or rewards are already claimed.

  • 310 - auction is not finished.

  • 412 - non payable entrypoint (can't accept TEZ tokens during call of an entrypoint).

Last updated