๐Ÿ› ๏ธDeveloper module

This module contains storage with developer address, developer fee rate and its compiled setter lambdas.

Module contents


Inside Standalone DEX and Factory contracts, storage contains the following structure:

type main_storage_t   is [@layout:comb] record[
  dev_store             : dev_storage_t;

type storage_root     is [@layout:comb] record[
  storage               : main_storage_t;

This module expects the following structure and operates with the dev_store field. More details about module storage types are in section.

๐Ÿ“„Storage & action types


This entrypoints should be called only by developer address.

All module fields have own setters. For calling this setters, used call_dev method.

[@inline] function unwrap(
  const param           : option(_a);
  const error           : string)
                        : _a is
  case param of
  | Some(instance) -> instance
  | None -> failwith(error)

(* This methods called only by dev and modifies only `dev_storage` *)
[@inline] function call_dev(
  const p               : dev_action_t;
  var s                 : dev_storage_t)
                        : dev_storage_t is
  block {

    require(Tezos.sender = s.dev_address, Errors.not_developer);

    const idx : nat = case p of
    | Set_dev_address(_)  -> 0n
    | Set_dev_fee(_)      -> 1n

    const lambda_bytes : bytes = unwrap(s.dev_lambdas[idx], Errors.unknown_func);
    const func: dev_func_t = unwrap((Bytes.unpack(lambda_bytes) : option(dev_func_t)), Errors.wrong_use_function);
  } with func(p, s)
๐Ÿ”ตDeveloper setter entrypoints

Last updated