
An entrypoint that withdraws bakers rewards from TOK/TEZ QuipuSwap liquidity pool to Burner contract. All rewards will be exchanged for QUIPU Governance tokens and burned.

Call parameters

type burn_tez_rew_type  is nat // Farm's ID


const qFarmAddress = "KT1...";
const farmId = 1;
const qFarm = await tezos.contract.at(qFarmAddress);
const operation = await qFarm.methods.burn_tez_rewards(farmId).send();

await operation.confirmation();


  • Not-admin - sender of the transaction is not current administrator.

  • QSystem/farm-not-set - farming with fid parameter doesn't exist.

  • QSystem/not-LP-farm - staked token is not QuipuSwap V1 TOK/TEZ LP token.

Last updated