
Method for set dex core functions.

There are 7 functions that belong to DEX methods.

0n -> swap
1n -> invest_liquidity
2n -> divest_liquidity
3n -> divest_imbalanced
4n -> divest_one_coin
5n -> claim_ref
6n -> stake

Input parameters type

type dex_action_t       is
(* Base actions *)
| Swap                    of swap_param_t
| Invest                  of invest_param_t
| Divest                  of divest_param_t
(* Custom actions *)
| Divest_imbalanced       of divest_imb_param_t
| Divest_one_coin         of divest_one_c_param_t
| Claim_referral          of claim_by_token_param_t
| Stake                   of stake_action_t

type return_t           is list(operation) * storage_t
type dex_func_t         is (dex_action_t * storage_t) -> return_t

type set_lambda_func_t  is [@layout:comb] record [
  func                    : bytes;
  index                   : nat;

This contract method is called only by admin of that contract.

Last updated