These contract methods are called only by admin of that contract.
Creation of pool consist of some parameters for seeting up DEX config.
Constant A used for manipulating with swap function. As larger the value of A, as more the function tends to be constant sum invariant. This constant is stored inside the contact as Astorageā=Aānnā1 where 2ā¤nā¤4 - number of DEX underlying tokens. You could read more about this constant at Curve whitepaper and an explanation of Curve formulas.
This param is a set of FA12/FA2 tokens that would be traded on DEX. Set type in Tezos contract is the sorted list of unique values, so you must keep in mind that for setting up tokens_info and when calling DEX.
Token info setting
When you want to initialise pool, you should setup initial reserves, rate and precision_multiplier in correct way: