📄Storage and types overview
Base types
type token_id_t is nat
type pool_id_t is nat
type token_pool_idx_t is nat
type fa12_token_t is address
type fa2_token_t is [@layout:comb] record[
token_address : address;
token_id : token_id_t;
type token_t is
| Fa12 of fa12_token_t
| Fa2 of fa2_token_t
type tokens_map_t is map(nat, token_t);
Storage - main contract storage
type inner_store_t is [@layout:comb] record[
dev_store : dev_storage_t;
init_price : nat; (* Pool creation price in QUIPU token *)
burn_rate : nat; (* Percent of QUIPU tokens to be burned *)
pools_count : nat;
pool_to_address : big_map(bytes, address);
quipu_token : fa2_token_t;
quipu_rewards : nat;
whitelist : set(address);
Full storage type - storage root
type full_storage_t is [@layout:comb] record [
storage : inner_store_t;
admin_lambdas : big_map(nat, bytes); (* map with admin-related functions code *)
dex_lambdas : big_map(nat, bytes); (* map with exchange-related functions code *)
token_lambdas : big_map(nat, bytes); (* map with token-related functions code *)
init_func : option(bytes); (* lambda function for deploying new DEX *)
Last updated