
An entrypoint that launches a new exchanges. Next types of exchanges are supported:

  • FA1.2/FA1.2;

  • FA1.2/FA2;

  • FA1.2/TEZ;

  • FA2/FA1.2;

  • FA2/FA2;

  • FA2/TEZ;

  • TEZ/FA1.2;

  • TEZ/FA2.

In case of TOK/TEZ exchange launch voting in appropriative Bucket contract is executed. Also all TEZ tokens is transferred to the same Bucket contract before voting.

In time of first exchange launch, this contract calls launch_callback entrypoint. This is done in order to vote on a Bucket contract that has just been deployed and cannot be accessed until the launch exchange transaction completes. Therefore, voting takes place in the next transaction, sent from launch_callback.

Call parameters

type tez_t              is unit

type fa12_token_t       is address

type fa2_token_t        is [@layout:comb] record [
  token                   : address;
  id                      : nat;

type token_t            is
| Tez                     of tez_t
| Fa12                    of fa12_token_t
| Fa2                     of fa2_token_t

type tokens_t           is [@layout:comb] record [
  token_a                 : token_t;
  token_b                 : token_t;

type launch_exchange_t  is [@layout:comb] record [
  pair                    : tokens_t;
  token_a_in              : nat;
  token_b_in              : nat;
  shares_receiver         : address;
  candidate               : key_hash;
  deadline                : timestamp;




Note: you need to pass positive TEZ/mutez amount to the send() method in case of FA1.2/TEZ or FA2/TEZ exchanges launch (see example below).

Also don't forget to add the DexCore contract as the operator for your FA2 tokens or make an approve for spending of FA1.2 tokens in time of exchange launch.

const dexCoreAddress = "KT1...";
const params = {
    pair: {
        token_a: {
            fa12: "KT1...",
        token_b: {
            tez: undefined,
    token_a_in: 100,
    token_b_in: 100,
    shares_receiver: "tz1.../KT1...",
    candidate: "tz1...",
    deadline: String(Date.parse((await tezos.rpc.getBlockHeader()).timestamp) / 1000 + 100),
const dexCore = await;
const operation = await dexCore.methodsObject.launch_exchange(params).send({ amount: params.token_b_in, mutez: true });

await operation.confirmation();

Pass candidate: "tz1ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZNkiRg"in case of launching TOK/TOK exchange


  • 104 - wrong order of a tokens from parameters.

  • 105 - zero token A amount in.

  • 106 - zero token B amount in.

  • 107 - pair (pool) with the specified token_id already listed.

  • 120 - wrong TEZ amount were passed to the transaction.

  • 136 - reentrancy.

  • 144 - action outdated (the time until which the transaction remained valid was passed).

  • 412 - non payable entrypoint (can't accept TEZ tokens during call of an entrypoint). Only in case of launching of TOK/TOK liquidity pools (pairs).

Last updated