
An entrypoint that receives auction fee from the DexCore contract (see withdraw_auction_fee entrypoint), calculates dev and public fees and stores these values in the contract's storage.

Call parameters

type tez_t              is unit

type fa12_token_t       is address

type fa2_token_t        is [@layout:comb] record [
  token                   : address;
  id                      : nat;

type token_t            is
| Tez                     of tez_t
| Fa12                    of fa12_token_t
| Fa2                     of fa2_token_t

type receive_fee_t      is [@layout:comb] record [
  token                   : token_t;
  fee                     : nat;


Only DexCore contract can call this entrypoint.


  • 403 - sender of the transaction is not DexCore contract.

  • 412 - non payable entrypoint (can't accept TEZ tokens during call of an entrypoint).

Last updated