⁉️Errors overview

All errors in the project are represented as string codes. The main purpose of this decision is the reduction of gas to be paid by users. Here you can find all errors codes and their explanation.

DexCore errors

  • 100 - unknown lambda function ID.

  • 101 - lambda function is already set.

  • 102 - wrong lambda function index (too high).

  • 103 - can't unpack lambda function.

  • 104 - wrong order of a tokens from parameters.

  • 105 - zero token A amount in.

  • 106 - zero token B amount in.

  • 107 - pair (pool) with the specified token_id already listed.

  • 108 - pair (pool) with the specified token_id not listed.

  • 109 - pair doesn't have a liquidity.

  • 110 - zero amount of LP tokens (shares) expected.

  • 111 - low token A amount in.

  • 112 - low token B amount in.

  • 113 - a Bucket contract not found (not TOK/TEZ LP pair).

  • 114 - insufficient liquidity.

  • 115 - dust output (zero tokens amount expected).

  • 116 - high expectations of output tokens.

  • 117 - empty route of swaps.

  • 118 - zero amount in was passed as the parameter.

  • 119 - wrong route of a swap.

  • 120 - wrong TEZ amount were passed to the transaction.

  • 121 - pour_out entrypoint of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 122 - pour_over entrypoint of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 123 - ban_baker entrypoint of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 124 - vote entrypoint of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 125 - is_banned_baker view of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 126 - default entrypoint of FlashSwapsProxy contract isn't found.

  • 127 - get_tez_balance view of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 128 - flash_swap_callback entrypoint of DexCore contract isn't found.

  • 129 - wrong amount of flash swap returns.

  • 130 - referring on yourself is forbidden.

  • 131 - withdraw_rewards entrypoint of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 132 - insufficient interface fee balance.

  • 133 - get_user_candidate view of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 134 - launch_callback entrypoint of DexCore contract isn't found.

  • 135 - receive_fee entrypoint of Auction contract isn't found.

  • 136 - reentrancy.

  • 137 - close entrypoint of DexCore contract isn't found.

  • 138 - only entered (transaction must be not the first transaction in the chain of calls).

  • 139 - too few swaps.

  • 140 - can't perform voting because of zero LPs balance of the user.

  • 141 - wrong amount of TEZ tokens were attached to transaction.

  • 142 - wrong reserves state after execution of the operation.

  • 143 - pair_id parameter not provided (in case of withdrawing TEZ tokens).

  • 144 - action outdated (the time until which the transaction remained valid was passed).

Bucket errors

Auction errors

  • 300 - unknown lambda function ID.

  • 301 - can't unpack lambda function.

  • 302 - wrong lambda function index (too high).

  • 303 - lambda function is already set.

  • 304 - auction with the specified ID not found.

  • 305 - token for auction is whitelisted. It is not possible to start an auction with whitelisted tokens.

  • 306 - token for withdrawing is NOT whitelisted.

  • 307 - Auction contract have insufficient balance of tokens for a new auction launch.

  • 308 - user's bid is less than minimum bid for an auction launch or less that previous bid.

  • 309 - auction is already finished or rewards are already claimed.

  • 310 - auction is not finished.

  • 311 - wrong auction duration (less than or equal to 0).

Common errors

  • 400 - sender of the transaction is not current administrator.

  • 401 - sender of the transaction is not current pending administrator (not the address that was assigned by the current administrator to the shift).

  • 402 - sender of the transaction is not a manager.

  • 403 - sender of the transaction is not DexCore contract.

  • 404 - transfer entrypoint of FA12 token isn't found.

  • 405 - transfer entrypoint of FA2 token isn't found.

  • 406 - not a nat (not an unsigned integer).

  • 407 - wrong token type.

  • 408 - division by zero.

  • 409 - TEZ tokens receiver contract not found (not user account or contract doesn't have a default entrypoint).

  • 410 - fill entrypoint of Bucket contract isn't found.

  • 411 - pending_admin in the storage of a contract is None (admin didn't call set_admin entrypoint).

  • 412 - non payable entrypoint (can't accept TEZ tokens during call of an entrypoint).

Last updated