
An entrypoint works exactly like FA2 update_operators entrypoint according to TZIP-012.

Call parameters

type token_id_t         is nat

type operator_t         is [@layout:comb] record [
  owner                   : address;
  operator                : address;
  token_id                : token_id_t;

type update_operator_t  is
| Add_operator            of operator_t
| Remove_operator         of operator_t

type update_operators_t is list(update_operator_t)


const dexCoreAddress = "KT1...";
const params = [
        add_operator: {
            owner: "tz1.../KT1...",
            operator: "tz1.../KT1...",
            token_id: 0,
        remove_operator: {
            owner: "tz1.../KT1...",
            operator: "tz1.../KT1...",
            token_id: 1,
const dexCore = await tezos.contract.at(dexCoreAddress);
const operation = await dexCore.methods.update_operators(params).send();

await operation.confirmation();


  • 412 - non payable entrypoint (can't accept TEZ tokens during call of an entrypoint).

  • FA2_TOKEN_UNDEFINED - token with token_id doesn't exist.

  • FA2_NOT_OWNER - sender is not owner of account.

Last updated